Our in-person workshops and programs are back!

Samoan Engagement Samoan Programs Samoan workshops workshop

When COVID hit our in-person playgroups, workshops, incursions and programs stopped. We moved as many of our courses online and increased the products we sold in our online store. COVID had such a huge impact on Measina the business. As the owner and pretty much only employee of Measina having the business change and almost come to a halt caused me anxiety and heightened my ADHD symptoms.


Anxiety is a common emotion that many business owners experience. It can manifest in different ways, such as feeling nervous before making an important decision or worrying about the future of the business. I was worrying about money and the future. I couldn’t sleep well and coped by spending money that I didn’t have. Having everyone on lockdown meant I was constantly around people. I felt pressure to always be there for them. My ADHD caused me to become overstimulated by my family who were constantly there. It wasn’t that I didn’t love them it was more I couldn’t handle being needed every single minute of the day and talking so much.

One way to manage anxiety as a business owner is to prioritize self-care. This means taking time to recharge and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. I sought help and went to counselling so that I had the strategies to work through my anxiety. I made sure to go for walks and spend time in the sun. I however did not feel secure in Measina the business or being a business owner and so I searched for work.

After a month or two of looking for work I found a job that suited my values and was something I love to do, community work. That was two years ago. The rona is still around, but I no longer fear that we will go into another lockdown any time soon. Am I ready to go back into Measina full time? No. Measina still needs work and I am going to work on it, but for now I need the stability and the security that being an employee brings me in the present. Will I ever go back to Measina full time? I have a 5 year plan to get Measina to where I can securely be in the business 100% so keep me accountable and keep checking on me.

For now we are offering the following programs for our in-person programs:

TATAU - We teach participants about unconscious bias by looking at the artwork of the Samoan tatau (tattoo). Participants will then plan out and complete artwork using Samoan motifs that will be used to hang inside the school. We will also teach a Samoan seated dance that tells the story of how Samoa got the tatau. Values taught during this program include respect and self-awareness.

NAFANUA - We teach participants about Women's equality though Samoan Ailao (Samoan martial arts). Participants will learn a simple ailao routine which will allow them to build their self-discipline, confidence, resilience, conflict resolution, affective listening, pride, and perseverance. Values taught during this program includes self-awareness and feelings.

MEA’AI SAMOA - We teach participants about Samoan food. This could be a one off workshop or a cooking series. Participants will learn to grate a coconut and make coconut cream. They will also learn a variety of Samoan dishes like fa'alifu taro (coconut cream taro), chop suey, fa'ausi (coconut bread dessert) plus more.

Our programs teach ever day topics with a Samoan lens. They can be for organisations looking to hold a PD for their staff, schools looking to engage students from all backgrounds and cultures, anyone looking for a workshop for your next event. If you are interested in hearing how we can work together email us on sales(at)measinasamoa.com.au.

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